Monday, May 4, 2015

Do You Have It In You?

by Alycia W. Morales

This past week, my husband and I started our P90X3 workout. Before we began, we were required to set goals. My goal is to get healthy. I want to drop weight, tone up, and have the energy to hike uphill without losing my breath.

We also had to set smaller goals with a few of the workouts we did. Pull-ups. Push-ups. Sit-ups. And of course, there's always the goal of getting through the entire workout without quitting. Knowing how out of shape I am, I set lower goals that I knew I could achieve. Right now, I don't want to push myself over the wall. I just want to keep up with the race.

What I didn't expect is that I would be able to do more than I thought I could. I set goals of eight pull-ups. Granted, I did these with bands rather than a chin-up bar, but I shocked myself when I realized I could really do fifteen. I started with three push-ups, and that's all I could really do for the amount of reps I had to perform throughout the thirty-minute workout. But I did squeeze out five on a couple of rounds.

Sometimes we think we don't have "it" in us to accomplish something, when in reality, we have more than we think.

I posted on Facebook one morning that I would only be able to get through this workout with God's strength, because I don't have that power within myself. Throughout the week, I've found that He has sustained me and I've been able to finish each workout. I may have missed a few steps, but I made it through.

When God calls us to do something, and we set our hearts to getting it done, He equips us for the task at hand.

If you set a goal and find you can do more, go for it. If you get ahead of yourself, back down. There's nothing wrong with admitting you need more time to figure it out. It's better to be able to finish the race than to give up while trying.

What have you wanted to do for awhile? What is holding you back from going for it? Don't worry that you won't have what it takes. Don't worry that you may get behind. Or ahead. Just go for it! Remember, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Do you have it in you to accomplish your dream/goal? via @AlyciaMorales {Click to Tweet}

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